微信完整使用指南 | Complete Guide on How to Use WeChat


What is WeChat?


WeChat is a social media developed by Tencent. Users can connect with their families, friends and co-workers easily. It is highly compatible with different kinds of devices, including Android phone, iPhone, Windows phone, Symbian phone and computers (Mac & Windows). Besides chatting, you can also share pictures and videos, play games, make payments and more.



How to Set Up WeChat

第 1 步:下载和安装

Step 1: Download and Install


First, download and install WeChat from your app store or official website. To ensure the security of your device, you should get the software from a reliable source.

第 2 步:创建账号

Step 2: Create an Account
  1. 启动应用后,点击登录页面上的"注册"
  2. 选择您所在的地区
  3. 输入手机号码
  4. 输入收到的验证码完成验证
  5. 设置个人资料和头像

  1. Launch the app and tap on "Sign Up" on the login page
  2. Select your region
  3. Enter your phone number
  4. Enter the verification code you receive
  5. Set up your profile and photo



Main Features of WeChat

1. 添加联系人

1. Add Contacts



  • 点击底部的"通讯录"
  • 点击右上角的"+"
  • 选择"添加朋友"
  • 通过手机号或微信号搜索


  • 打开"发现"中的扫一扫
  • 扫描对方的二维码
  • 或展示自己的二维码让别人扫描

There are several ways to add contacts:

Traditional way

  • Tap "Contacts" at the bottom
  • Click "+" in the top right
  • Select "Add Contacts"
  • Search by phone number or WeChat ID

Scan QR code

  • Open "Scan" in Discover
  • Scan others' QR code
  • Or show your QR code to others


2. 开始聊天

2. Start Chatting


  • 发送文字消息
  • 语音消息
  • 图片和视频
  • 表情和贴纸
  • 语音和视频通话

Chat features include:

  • Send text messages
  • Voice messages
  • Pictures and videos
  • Emojis and stickers
  • Voice and video calls

聊天功能 创建群聊 添加标签

3. 朋友圈

3. Moments


  • 发布带图片或视频的动态
  • 纯文字分享
  • 查看和互动好友的动态
  • 设置可见范围

Share your life in Moments:

  • Post with pictures or videos
  • Text-only posts
  • View and interact with friends' posts
  • Set visibility settings


4. 微信支付

4. WeChat Pay


  • 进入"我"-"钱包"-"银行卡"
  • 添加银行卡
  • 扫码支付
  • 转账给好友
  • 生活缴费

Payment features require linking a bank card first:

  • Go to "Me"-"Wallet"-"Cards"
  • Add bank cards
  • Scan to pay
  • Transfer to friends
  • Pay bills


5. 其他功能

5. Other Features
  • 收藏重要信息
  • 扫一扫功能
  • 摇一摇
  • 附近的人
  • 小程序

  • Save important messages
  • Scan feature
  • Shake
  • People nearby
  • Mini Programs


Usage Tips
  1. 使用标签管理联系人
  2. 设置聊天背景
  3. 开启消息免打扰
  4. 定期备份聊天记录
  5. 注意隐私设置

  1. Use tags to manage contacts
  2. Set chat backgrounds
  3. Enable message notifications
  4. Regularly backup chat history
  5. Pay attention to privacy settings


Web WeChat


  1. 访问网页版微信
  2. 扫描二维码登录
  3. 开始在电脑上聊天

Web WeChat allows you to use WeChat on your computer without installing the app:

  1. Visit Web WeChat
  2. Scan QR code to login
  3. Start chatting on your computer



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添加微信好友Add me on WeChat

WeChat Group

加入微信群Join WeChat Group

* 如果群已满,可以添加我的个人微信,我会帮您加入群聊* If the group is full, you can add my personal WeChat and I'll help you join