👋 你好,我是 ferryvip👋 Hi, I'm ferryvip
一名全栈开发者来自中国 🇨🇳 北京,热爱编程和新技术。目前专注于 React、React Native 和 Node.js 开发。A full-stack developer from Beijing, China 🇨🇳, passionate about programming and new technologies. Currently focusing on React, React Native, and Node.js development.
🌟 兴趣爱好🌟 Interests & Community
除了编程,我还热衷于:Besides programming, I'm passionate about:
交朋友 - 喜欢认识来自不同背景的朋友Making Friends - Love meeting people from different backgrounds
分享知识 - 乐于分享技术经验和生活技巧Knowledge Sharing - Enjoy sharing technical experience and life tips
互助学习 - 相信在交流中共同进步Mutual Learning - Believe in growing together through communication
🤝 加入我们的社群🤝 Join Our Community
我们有一个活跃的学习交流群,欢迎加入:We have an active learning community, welcome to join:

互相学习和分享经验,分享生活技巧和实用工具Learn from and share experiences with each other, share life tips and useful tools
* 如果群已满,可以添加我的个人微信,我会帮您加入群聊* If the group is full, you can add my personal WeChat and I'll help you join
📫 联系我📫 Contact Me
如果你对我或者我的项目感兴趣,或者想要合作,欢迎通过以下方式联系我:If you're interested in me or my projects, or want to collaborate, feel free to reach out:

- Email: ferryvip@163.com
- GitHub: @strawferry