Foreigners can sign up for WeChat Pay and it's a breeze, although there are a few issues to watch out for. This guide will walk you through the process step by step.
Before You Start
- 一个微信账号
- 一个中国大陆银行账户(与护照绑定)
- 银行预留手机号码
- 您的护照
You'll need:
- A WeChat account
- A mainland Chinese bank account (linked to your passport)
- The phone number registered with your bank
- Your passport
Setup Steps
第 1 步:打开微信钱包
Step 1: Open WeChat Wallet
Tap on the Wallet icon in the "Me" tab to bring up WeChat Pay. If you can't find the Wallet tab, it likely means that your WeChat account is registered under a foreign phone number. In this case, you'll need a friend to send you money first to activate the wallet feature.
第 2 步:验证身份并选择添加银行卡
Step 2: Verify and Select Add New Card
From here the process is virtually the same. You'll need a mainland bank account connected to your passport. When you link your bank card to WeChat Pay, you are also confirming your identity.
Tap "Add a Card" from the WeChat Wallet section or from the popup that you get when you try to accept your friend's money transfer.
第 3 步:输入银行卡信息并设置支付密码
Step 3: Enter Bank Information and Set Pin Code
- 输入相关信息。如果您是外国护照持有者,请选择"护照"作为证件类型
- 确保输入的信息与银行账户中的完全一致。这可能意味着您需要使用大写字母输入姓名
- 您还需要使用银行预留的手机号码。输入信息后,您会收到发送到该手机号的确认码
- 如果提示信息无效,您可能需要去银行寻求帮助。通常这是由于银行记录中的拼写错误导致
- 最后,设置一个6位数的支付密码。这是您每次使用微信支付时都需要输入的密码
- Enter the relevant information. Select Passport as your ID type if you are a foreign passport holder
- Make sure that the information you enter is exact as it is written in your bank account. This may mean that you need to use capital letters for your name
- You will also need to have the phone that your bank is attached to. After hitting next, you'll get a confirmation code sent to that phone number
- If you get an error for invalid info, you may need to go to the bank and set it up with their help. Usually, this is due to a typo on your bank records
- Finally, select a 6-digit payment pin code. This is a code you'll be using anytime you wish to make a payment with WeChat Pay
第 4 步:检查您的银行卡并添加其他卡片
Step 4: Check Your Bank Card and Add Additional Cards
If WeChat Wallet did not appear as an option in the "Me" tab, it should now. Tap on cards to see the bank cards you have connected to your WeChat Pay account. You can also add other bank cards or Visa cards here.
Money that WeChat friends send to you will end up in your balance. You can withdraw this money directly into any of the bank cards that you have linked. WeChat charges a 0.1% commission when you make a withdrawal.
Usage Tips
- 确保您的银行卡已开通网上支付功能
- 保持手机号码畅通,这是接收验证码的必要条件
- 仔细核对银行预留信息,确保与护照信息完全一致
- 记住6位支付密码,这是日常使用最频繁的密码
- 定期检查交易记录,确保账户安全
- Make sure your bank card has online payment enabled
- Keep your phone number active as it's essential for receiving verification codes
- Double-check your bank information matches your passport exactly
- Remember your 6-digit payment pin as you'll use it frequently
- Regularly check your transaction history for security
After Setup
- 在商店扫码支付
- 网上购物
- 转账给好友
- 支付公共事业费用
- 订餐、叫车等更多服务
Now you can use WeChat Pay to:
- Scan and pay in stores
- Shop online
- Transfer money to friends
- Pay utility bills
- Order food, call taxis, and more
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